Connected Health is proud to announce that we’ve received an Invest NI Grant for Research and Development, supporting company innovation in services, products and processes.

Part financed by the Investment for Growth and Jobs Programme for Northern Ireland co financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The project ‘PillPlug – Let’s Talk Medication’ will be implemented over the next year and aims to develop a Medication Optimisation device which works in tandem with a TV to provide medication reminders and direct video access to a Virtual Care Assistant, supporting the taking and administration of all types of medication.

Connected Health is committed to utilising technology to connect with the elderly and provide better homecare services to those across Great Britain and Ireland and Pill Plug is just one of the many innovations we as a company are developing.

Thanks to the Invest NI Grant we’re one step closer to providing TEC (Technology Enabled Care) to every one of our clients which will allow them to have a more independent lifestyle.